Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Help I'm a Loser I'm Drunk & I've Fallen and Lost My Leg

I am surfing all my favorite news sites this morning while drinking my coffee when I happen upon a story in the New York Post about a jackass named Dustin Dibble (sounds like an evil scheming punybrained character out of a Harry Potter movie) who has just lost his "controversial $2.3 million dollar jury verdict award."

Wait for it .... wait for it ..... WHY DID Mr. Dibble lose his $$ ?????

Our justice system at its finest: Mr. Dibble, a former college basketball star (and moron) had apparently gone on a four-hour drinking binge on April 23, 2006, then managed to topple his drunk ass onto the subway tracks at Union Square in New York only to be run over by a train and lose one of his legs. A (clearly intoxicated jury) awarded Mr. Dibble $2.3 million dollars, finding that the MTA (NYC Transit Authority) was liable for the loss of Dibble's leg because the train operator should have taken measures to stop the train and therefore avoid running over Dumb Dibble's drunk ass (or leg in this instance) which was splayed across the subway tracks.

How many "are you serious" comments were just spoken after the above paragraph?

Mr. Dibble's sleaze-asarus attorney, who sued the MTA, convinced a jury that the train operator was at fault "based on the basis of a mathematical formula used a purported average reaction time as a factor in calculating whether defendant's train operator could have stopped the train to avoid running over an intoxicated 22-year old."

Thankfully, the MTA's legal eagles sprinted to the courts with their appeal clutched in their fists and four years later, the NY State Appellate Court (obviously a group of sober judges thank God) overturned the jury's award and threw out Dumb Dibble's lawsuit.

Can we say justice prevails all at the same time?

It is interesting to note, however, that the appeals panel of five judges did not focus on Dumb Dibble's "drunkeness" but rather based their decision on whether the train operator could have stopped in time to avoid running over Dibble's leg. Interesting, but logical view. And of course, Dibble's attorney Andrew Smiley plans to appeal the appeal and so on and so on and so on.

Just one more way to clog up our already clogged justice system.

Let's work backward here. If Mr. Dibble had stayed home and drank himself into a stupor in front of his TV, then (a) he would still have his leg; (b) the docket slot for his ridiculous lawsuit could have been given to another more reasonable case; and (c) New Yorkers would not have had to look at Dumb Dibble's sorry mug - AT ALL.

But yet Dumb Dibbles OWN CONSCIOUS CHOICE (no one holding a gun to his head here) CHOSE to go drinking, CHOSE to drink for 4 hours and CHOSE to take a subway. Couldn't he have CHOSEN to sit down instead of teetering at the edge of the platform? Well, that's a gimme either way. But the point is that when people drink, they make a conscious, voluntary choice to do so. And in my view, whatever the consequences are of their action - choosing to drink, choosing to get drunk and fall onto subway tracks and lose limb or life - is their own liability, fault and responsibility.

For this man to actually have believed in his twisted mind that the train operator was at fault for the loss of his leg is incomprehensible. Dibble was actually quoted as saying "I didn't choose to lose my leg."

No you dumb ass moron you CHOSE to make a decision to drink yourself into oblivion and as a result of your choice (which I need to remind you yet again and that no one was forcing you to drink, no one was holding a gun to your head while you were drinking and no one was forcing your hand to your mouth to gulp down alcohol during your binge) you lost your leg.

The fault is yours, Dibble. NO ONE ELSE. Your own stupidity and recklessness caused the loss of your leg. I have no sympathy for you.

Using the old adage here: Dibble, you don't have a leg to stand on.

Kudos to the appeals court for meting our proper justice against morons like Dibble.  

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ramblings Rumblings and Random Rote

Oh, is it mid-June already? Time seems to be passing me by with a few winks of sleep and a few blinks of my eyes. Let's see what has happened lately:

A major league baseball umpire named Jim Joyce made an ultra extra bad call gaffe that cost pitcher Andres Galarrga a perfect game BUT (believe it or not) Joyce apologized for getting the call wrong. So did commissioner Bug Selig reverse the call and give Galarrga his perfect game?

No. Selig you wet fish wake up. Perfect game? Umpire admits to blow call? Can you get your head out of your MLB butt and change it? Not. I'd sue.


A teacher at an ultra-Christian school in Florida was fired because she disclosed she was OH MY GOD pregnant (can you hear my gasp of outrage LOL) before she married. Now I am rolling my eyes. She was dismissed because of "fornication" LMFAO - having sex before marriage blah blah blah. She is fighting the dismissal.

C'mon do these people actually think that Jesus didn't EVER have sex? I don't think so.

Jeez, I wonder if that school found out I laugh myself silly after I have an orgasm - WTF would they do with me? I'd be labeled a freak of nature or spawn of the (laughing devil).


The BP oil spill continues. I think President Obama should make those suits at BP put on Speedos and a wetsuit and get the fuck down in the ocean and use the spit out of their fast-talking corporate mouths to plug up the ginormous leak. And when they come up for air, toss their asses in jail for allowing that rig to stay in its drilling position without the proper monthly inspections. Deep water sharks are coming to shore to escape the choking oil. Species of ocean li\fe, birds and other inhabitants are dying off in numbers because they are breathing in the fatal oil and the birds are so slicked with oil they are being weighed down and drowned in the ocean. That's beyong sick. BP should be fined billions for this horrific disaster.

Fry them all.


A Florida attorney attempting to visit her client in prison set off a metal detector because of the metal underwire in her bra. She was denied entrance to the prison and opted for removal of the offending article of lingerie that was setting of alarms. When she returned to the entrance braless, she was again denied entry because her bra-less-ness (is that like law-less-ness???) was prohibited.

This is rich. Prisoners who were born men but want to be women get hormonal injections to grow breasts and then parade around in their 2 dollar canteen white cotton bras (oh, ewwwww) but this attorney is denied access to her client because she as a female wore a bra but then removed it because she was banned from wearing it because of the metal.

You know, you men have no idea what it's like to try and fit breasts into (a) a thing that goes over our shoulders, around our backs, cuts into our skin and stabs us in our sleep nevermind determining cut, color, cup size, band size, straps or strapless, \racerback, standard back, criss-cross or demi cups. Or how about those things that can be "glued" on to our breasts that aren't really bras at all but simply something likened to potholders with a support beam?

All you all have to do is tuck your package into tidy whities or boxer shorts or those tight-ass nylon crotch grabbing undies that are scientifically proven to lower sperm count by the way and off you go. Your choice of color is simple and so OK, you need to make adjustments every now and then (baseball players being the exception to the norm because they are ALWAYS moving their junk around on national TV every opportunity they get) but seriously, picking out and wearing a bra can cause breaches in national security if a woman can't find size and color for her girls.


Last but not least, I seem to have a penchant for men who like to keep me at arm's length. Last boyfriend of nearly five years may as well have kept me locked away in a dungeon for all he took me out and exposed me to sunshine - or any kind of warmth for that matter. I am convinced that when he dies, they will cut his lying cheatin' chest open and find a big ass glacier inside where his heart should be. And no funeral pyre is ever going to melt it, either. I guarantee.

Current "I don't know what to call him" is keeping me at arm's length because he said "girlfriends are dangerous" and therefore, I make a very good atempt at not acting like a girlfriend.

But how do you "not" act like you care when you really want to say hey, you know, I want to talk to you more than I do, I want to see you more than I do and I want to hear you laugh more than I do ----- without sounding or acting like a girlfriend?

Sometimes I feel I am intruding upon his life and I am not sure where I fit in - if at all. And there are other times when we laugh ourselves sick (or just laugh uh-huh) and it feels just right.

I just wish I could tell him why those damned peonys nearly caused me to faint dead away and the meaning those flowers held for me but I wonder if my explanation would fall on deaf ears. I don't know.

There's a part of me that really wants to find out but it's hard to get that close to someone when he keeps me at arm's length. It's one thing to keep a fishing pole out in front of you - at arm's length - but it's another thing when it's someone's arm that's continuing to keep me that far away.

I miss going fishing