Friday, May 21, 2010

Coward Has A New Name, New Definition: Gina Giovangelo

Dear Ms. Giovangelo: The writers of Webster's Dictionary will be contacting you soon as the word "coward" will have a new definite (your name) and your mug shot next to the word so the entire English-speaking/reading world will know that's exactly what you are.

The other night you ran over and dragged Lillian White in her wheelchair as you were speeding down a Hyannis Street. She is - or was now because of you - a mother of seven children and she had grandchildren. You ran her down and you never stopped. You kept driving when you knew you had hit a human being.

And a passenger in your car reported that you had been drinking cognac in a hotel room prior to your murdering Lillian White (oh excuse me, "hit and run") and that your vehicle hit something so hard your airbags deployed but you kept going.


And now, at your arraignment today - after the judge released you on $10,000 bail (another one of our illustrious judicial decision makers who made a dumb ass decision) and that you denied involvement in Lillian White's murder - you left the courtroom and never came back.


So here's my question to you cowardly Gina Giovangelo: If you were not involved, then why did you flee your arraignment? And, worse, you may have had assistance from your thugs that you hang with because obviously their brain lights are just as dim as yours that you and your crazies went to a car dealership to try and purchase a "getaway" vehicle.

No, wait, my bad, you don't have any brains. Because you killed a woman without stopping, you fled the scene, tried to hide the vehicle you were driving and you fled your arraignment. And worse, you were probably drunk which makes you a loser AND a coward.

I'd say that aforementioned re-defines the word coward now, wouldn't you?

They're coming for you Gina Coward Giovangelo. And I hope they throw the book at you so hard that your head is snapped back from your neck because maybe that kind of hit - the kind that Lillian White suffered and died as a result of your cowardice - will bring you back to reality.

You are responsible for the death of a human being and you didn't even stop.

Coward has a new name.

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