Friday, December 2, 2011

Color Me Bad: Teacher uses Sharpie Marker to fill in a part line on student's hair

I don't know how I missed this story but ran across it tonight and was in a jaw-dropped state for several moments.

In October, at Marshall Junior High School in Marshall, Texas, a student showed up at school one day with "hair designs" shaved into his head which apparently violated the school's dress code.

His "designs" were two extra "part" lines on either side of his head near his temples (probably no more than one inch long if that) and according to the school's dress code, students are only allowed ONE part line.

Just one. Not one and a half.

One part line.

Okay, SERIOUSLY?? Who dreams this shit up?

Did a half a dozen educators just wake up one day and hold an emergency meeting to decide that students are only allowed ONE part line on their heads? Who is writing these ridiculous policies? Wow. Talk about focusing on the really important issues at hand -- part lines vs. being able to multiply three and four number equations or naming all the capitals of the 50 states in this country.


The story gets better. The student's teacher decided to take matters into her hands - literally - and called the student out into the hall, and FILLED IN THE EXTRA PART LINES WITH A BLACK SHARPIE MARKER.

Um, yah, If a teacher EVER tried to draw on my kid's hair with a Sharpie because God forbid his hair "whorl" which is pronounced in appearance on his forehead was "whorling" the wrong way according to school policy for "whorling" hair,  I'd sue that teacher, the school and the school district for a billion dollars.

The school principal admitted that teachers have handled this same situation in the past in the very same manner but told the media outlets it would never happen again - with Sharpies, of course.

What's next? Acrylic paints? Watercolors? Charcoal?

I think that Marshall Junior High School needs to take a closer look at its dark ages dress code and perhaps focus more on ensuring its students are being schooled in reading, writing and arithmetic and leave the Sharpies in the art classes for teachers to use in a more creative manner than filling in part lines on students' hair.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kevin Hogan v. FOX News - Invasion of Privacy at its Absolute Worst!

I am ashamed to be a reporter right at this moment because it groups me into the circle of journalists in which seasoned journalist Mike Beaudet is a part and I want to step outside of this group to disassociate myself because Mr. Beaudet may have just ruined an extraordinary teacher's life.

Recently, Beaudet, an undercover reporter for Fox News, received a tip that a very well liked, very well respected teacher at the Mystic Valley Regional Charter School in Malden, Massachusets, starred in XXX gay porn movies prior to becoming a teacher.

Kevin Hogan, an English teacher at Mystic Valley, was "exposed" by Beaudet when the viewer tipped off Fox that Hogan's former employment could be seen online.

OMG. Seriously? This is NEWS?

Heavens to Mergatroit. Kevin Hogan had a prior job? Wow. Stop the presses!!!!

WHOTF cares? Porn is a billion dollar business, it's perfectly legal and Hogan probably made some decent money as he appears to be a pretty good looking guy! So what?

All the high falutin' bible thumping morals and values RACISTS FREAKS and anti-gay crazies are getting their collective panties in a bunch (with their collective heads STILL stuck in the sand) and airing their collective opinions about how Hogan should be fired, OMG he was teaching KIDS and all that blah blah blah from people who are absolutely choking on all that sand they've inhaled since this "story" broke.

Let's look at the big picture here: The naysayers think Hogan will "influence" their kids and probably try to recruit them into porn or heaven forbid try to 'turn them gay.' Oh really? Then how come PRIOR to this story their wasn't one iota of a complaint against Hogan?

Everyone wants to jump on the slam Hogan bandwagon because he had a prior job that involved - ahem, nudity, sex and filming of same. Oh wait, allegedly the filming involved Hogan starring with same sex actors.

Gee, I get Netflix movies that have those same contents. And correct me if I am wrong but there are plenty of movies available on Netflix that have gay actors or gay themes or nudity and sex. No one seems to be in an uproar about that!

And just because Hogan starred in XXX gay porn doesn't make him an alien from outer space! And it certainly doesn't make him any less of a teacher! The support Hogan is receiving from his students and parents and the general community is overwhelmingly positive.

If my son had Kevin Hogan for a teacher and was bringing home straight As and all I heard from my son is how much he LOVED Mr. Hogan's English class and how much he LOVED how Mr. Hogan made English interesting, and then I found out Mr. Hogan starred in XXX gay porn movies? I'd be like yah, whatevah. I'm more concerned about my kid continuing to bring home straight A's.

Racists freaks and anti-gay crazies and religious zealots and bible thumpers and all you people who live with your ostrich heads in the sand: Kevin Hogan did NOTHING wrong. He did NOT commit a  crime, he is NOT a pedophile, a rapist, nor is he a bank robber, a serial killer or an animal abuser.

He is a man who's life Mike Beaudet has probably ruined all because Fox decided that exposing a teacher's past employment was newsworthy.

In my famous words that are well known by many: Fox News and Mike Beaudet: YOU SUCK!