Monday, September 7, 2009

Keep Your Pants On

I am not one to knock other people's religions or beliefs but there are just some beliefs that are just way too whack for me to understand. In a story on AOL today, a Lubna Hussein, a female Sudanese journalist was convicted of "public indecency" because - heaven forbid - she wore a pair of pants in public. She has refused to pay the $200 fine and has stated she'd rather spend a month in prison. She had faced the possibility of a public flogging (oh, lovely) but the judge ordered her to pay the fine instead. Now, hear me out on this: I can understand if she sprinted outdoors naked and ran through the streets denouncing the country's president, police force, judicial system in general - you get the picture - or some other type of indecent crime as us common-sense type folks here in the United States see it - but this reasonably attractive professional woman who was wearing a very lovely head covering and matching shirt (I believe this head covering is in accordance with the laws but forgive me if I do not name it properly) and a matching pair of brown trousers. Oh my God - she wore PANTS in PUBLIC. And worse, the judge ruled "Hussein's outfit indecent" and he imposed the $200 fine. He also was quoted as saying that "her clothes violated traditions that a woman should only "adorn themselves" for their husbands and not in public. You know what I have to say to that: Hey judge, kiss my ass. See? This is what I mean about going too far with beliefs. In this day and age, women are still treated pretty much like shit. There is a country where women's sexual organs are mutilated and removed; women are publicly beaten, flogged for insubordination to their husbands or male relatives; and perhaps the worst and most horrific act - murdered with approval of the male's family. But this woman - she wore a pair of pants in public. That is her crime. And government spokesman Rabie Abdel Attie said Monday that Hussein's defiance of paying the fine and making her case so public and her denouncement of the morality of such a ridiculous law (including the public flogging punishment) "is not a way to change the law." And Attie went on to state that "Changing the laws goes through officials, and it is a continuous matter looked into by the parliament," he said. Let's see. Public flogging of women who wear pants in public: Causes humiliation, embarrassment. horrific injuries which can result in permanent scarring of one's body and/or back, possible infections resulting from same, etc. etc. etc. Nah, no need to change the law. Is THIS the mindset of these idiotic lamebrained morons who run the government over there? I KNOW these laws have been in place for eons but do these men really believe that they are RIGHT and that the laws should STAND as is???? Yes, they do. And that's the worst part of it. Attie's last quote was ""These courts are not convened without a crime. Lubna was convicted and she should respect the law." If I was Lubna Hussein, I'd be foaming at the mouth, wishing I could PUBLICLY tell that government spokesman clown Attie "Hey, do me a favor, will ya? Just keep YOUR pants on because I would not want to see how small your balls are compared to mine."

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