Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ballon Boy Hoax

Last Thursday, my nine-year-old son and I, as well as most of the entire nation, were glued to our collective televisions witnessing what appeared to be an almost certain tragic incident unfolding on national TV: A six-year-old Colorado boy named Falcon Heene had reportedly climbed onto (or into) his father's homemade helium-filled balloon and untethered it from the backyard and balloon and boy lifted off into the sky. Witnesses tracking the balloon's journey stated they had possibly seen something falling out of the balloon. When the balloon landed, the boy was not in the balloon. News stations across the nation were broadcasting this story and websites like http://www.cnn.com/, http://www.cbs.news.com/, were clamoring for up to the second coverage of this riveting story.

My son became visibly upset when it was discovered that Falcon was not in the balloon when it landed somewhere approximately 400 miles from when it first was untethered. Jake said to me, "Mom, did that little boy fall out of the balloon? Is he dead? How come his parents weren't watching him?"

My heart was wrenched looking at the saddened expression on my son's face. And more so, he was waiting for an answer from me. I had none because I too, had those exact same questions and those exact same fears.

And within days, our fears turned to absolute and utter disgust because Richard and Mayumi Heene - the parents of Falcon and two other children - perpetrated what is now confirmed to be a huge hoax, a pathetic publicity stunt by these parents to gain national attention for themselves and their family for a possible reality show. Perhaps what is worse is that the hoax was perpetrated upon unsuspecting parents like myself whose children were traumatized and terrified that a little boy had fallen thousands of feet to the earth to his death all because his parents weren't paying attention to him.

Nice job, Heenes. Thank you for now becoming the most current pathetic, disgusting role models for parents our nation has witnessed.

If you look up the word "losers" in Webster's dictionary, Richard and Mayumi Heene's names and faces should be edited in next to the express definition and pictured on the side of same page.

What is perhaps more shocking is that the children themselves - including Falcon - were in on this hoax. Shhhhhhhh - don't tell anyone what Mommy and Daddy are going to do. Shhhhhh - don't tell the TV news anchors who are going to interview you on national TV that Mommy and Daddy told you to do this. And try not to throw up on national television when you are perpetrating Mommy and Daddy's lies, lies and more lies.

Too late.

Little Falcon did throw up probably from the angst and stress caused by keeping his parents' dirty little hoax/lie/secret. What in the world were the Heenes thinking when they decided to put their scheme into action? At the expense of their children? At the expense of the FAA, the Larimar County (CO) Sheriff's Department, at the expense of the entire nation who watched this story unfold from the balloon's journey across Colorado and possible doomed passenger right up to the continuing saga of how others may have been involved in the Heene's attention-getting pathetic excuse of a prank for a reality TV show?

I have something to say to you Richard and Mayumi Heene: You are horrible parents. You have taught your children not only to lie but to lie in the attempt to gain fame and fortune. This may not be an entirely new or novel concept but you both took it one step further and lied to the entire nation and probably to the world. You lied to me, you lied to my son, and you caused a nation of parents to grab their children and hug them because they were there to be hugged and you caused a nation of parents to wonder why you weren't there when your six year old son allegedly took off in your homemade balloon.

And you had the utter audacity to initially tell the nation that your little stunt WASN'T a hoax, blah blah blah.

Well, you losers, your lie unraveled like a thread pulled on a brand new sweater and how the entire world knows how pathetic you really are, how you used your children to gain national attention and how you are beyond pathetically poor examples of parents.

Have you any idea what you have done? Your children will now be (if not already) the brunt of jokes, torment and teasing amongst their peers. I can hear it now: Fake balloon boy, big faker, and worse of all "Hey Falcon, you're the boy whose Mommy and Daddy lied to everyone."

Nice job, Heenes. What a great example you set for your children.

And now that I know the whole sad, pathetic story was nothing but a hoax perpetrated by thoughtless liars like yourselves, I can now answer my son's question - truthfully.

Do us all a favor - move to another country so we don't have to deal with the likes of you people ever again.

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