Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Boycott This

The latest buzz on illegal immigration that has the entire country up in arms is the ballsy new law passed by Arizona governor Jan Brewer. Quoting an article in the New York Times, "the law would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give police the broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally."

Gov. Brewer has since made amendments to the law to avoid the appearance of racial profiling.

Here's my opinion (always worth two cents): Our country may as well hang a welcome sign at our borders and hire an Ed McMahon sound-a-like to shout out "COME ON DOWN" to all the illegals because the price IS right for illegals in the United States.

What other country gives out welfare benefits to illegals, free health care and housing to people who have snuck into this country, paid thousands of dollars for fraudulent social security numbers and who assume identities of dead American citizens? Of course, not all of these illegal immigrants are that savvy but the U.S. companies who employ these illegals are and they contribute hugely to this controversial subject by employing illegals. Perhaps these huge corporate conglomerates should be scrutinized more than Arizona's new law.

People are asked for identification for various reasons all the time: tobacco purchases, alcohol purchases and even more recently, I went to my local post office to pick up two Yankee Candles I had purchased on ebay and the postal employee asked me for my ID before he released MY package to me. That request was a bit of a stretch and I put up a bit of a stink about the request because these were candles, not a new circuit board for a Patriot missile.

But the point is that we as Americans are asked for identification every day and no one is demanding boycotts of those retailers. drug stores, liquor stores, etc. for asking us for identification. When police pull over drivers for motor vehicle infractions, they ask for a driver's license and proof of registration. What is the difference between what the police do every day and what has been written as law in Arizona?

If you are not guilty of being in the country illegally, then you will not have a problem proving same. Certainly, many a fur has been ruffled on the backs of those hard-core civil rights believers and supporters who are protesting that law infringes upon those genuine citizens and the Arizona police will stop anyone who looks or smells like an illegal.

When an illegal alien enters my country, applies for and receives welfare benefits which payout is equal to or more than what my monthly hard-earned salary is, I question as to what kind of documentation is presented to the state workers who process the applications. If the illegals are here illegally, then what kind of documents are in their possession that allow them to garner and reap my taxpayer-paid benefits and services?

Case in point: My income is considered below poverty level, by federal standards which means I qualify for child care consideration issued by the state of Massachusetts. I was on the waiting list for more than three years before I was finally issued a voucher to help me pay for child care which is an after-school program my son attends so I can work later than I normally do on the days he is not in that program.

I had a conversation with an employee of this child care agency who told me off the record that many "illegals" are given immediate child care vouchers as a part of their welfare benefit package. I was stupefied that I, an American citizen, born here, raised here, never been arrested, was pushed to the back of the bus by illegal aliens who have been handed child care vouchers as readily available las popcorn and hot dogs at a baseball park, while I have struggled to pay for my son's after school care for the past three years with money out of my own pocket.

This is just a small example of a much larger problem. Illegal aliens who don't speak English and obviously can't read English are driving cars and have no concept of the rules of the road because they come from a completely different country, a different culture and different driving rules! And, when they are pulled over and can't produce a driver's license, guess what: they are summoned to court, they pay a fine and get right back into their cars - still without a driver's license. They fraudulently obtain social security numbers or fake passports and fake identification cards which are then presented to obtain state benefits and services. No one questions this documentation.

And when someone like me questions this process, I'm told "Back of the bus whitebread."

Since Arizona passed its law, protesters are politicians and anyone else who wants to jump onto the poor poor pitiful illegal alien bandwagon are demanding that people boycott anything and everything to do with Arizona, including the 2011 Major League Baseball All-Star Game.

Uh-uh. Do not MESS with my baseball.

San Diego Padres first baseman Adrian Gonzalez threw out his two cents (after getting thrown out of a game the same night) when he recently voiced his big mouth blah blah about how HE will sit out the 2011 All Star game in Phoeniz and (oh brother) wants the MLB Players Association to boycott spring training in Arizona in 2011.

Hey Adrian - 411: what makes you think you're going to be voted to the All Star team anyways? And believe it or not, there are actually players who LIKE playing in Arizona and could care less about the new law that has got your cup all bunched up in your uniform pants.

My advice to you: Shut the eff up and play baseball. Us fans pay your salary. And if you are so unhappy here in the United States, move back to Tijuana.

I applaud Gov. Brewer for passing this law. Illegal immigration is a problem of enormous proportions in Arizona (it borders Mexico) and the murder of an Arizona rancher by Mexican drug smugglers (in the state illegally of course) spurred Brewer to pass the law. Illegal immigration is a problem of enormous proportions and has already spread like a plague.

I am not racist nor prejudice but when people who come into my country illegally and take away benefits for which I have a genuine need and to which I am legally entitled, then I support any state, any governor who passes a law to protect U.S. citizens like myself. What is disheartening is that President Obama doesn't support the new law and if my own president doesn't support a law that attempts to curb illegal immigration, I wonder for whom he is the president.

As long as my country welcomes illegal immigrants with the availability of taxpayer-funded benefits and services and free housing, this "whitebread" blogger is going to be riding at the back of the bus for a long time or worse - told to get off the bus because U.S. citizens aren't allowed on the bus anymore.

As a former law enforcement employee, my view is that if you are here legally, you will have a valid driver's license to show same. Most people don't carry around their birth certificates so proving legit citizenship could be a measure in complication.

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