Monday, May 17, 2010

Illegal Immigration - It's Good To Be Obama's Auntie

An immigration judge in Boston ruled Friday that Zeituni Onyango, the "58-year-old half sister of Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr." could remain in the U.S. despite the fact that (a) she is and has been an illegal immigrant in the USA since 2000; (b) she repeatedly failed to leave the country in 2003 and 2005 as court-ordered and (c) will continue to live in public housing in Boston and welsh off of us United States citizen taxpayers.

Oh isn't it grand to be the president's auntie?

Leonard J. Shapiro took into consideration that Auntie Zeituni has an auto-immune disease and her health is poor and if she returned to her native Kenya, she would be subjected to tribal violence.

Really now. And I'm supposed to care about that why?

Shapiro has now effectively opened up the biggest can of worms and shook a thousand hornets' nests dizzy with his ruling which will now allow Auntie Z to get a work permit, apply for a social security number, get a driver's license, green card and CONTINUE to receive state-funded benefits that I pay for as a taxpayer.

And guess what? Every single illegal immigrant who has been turned down for political asylum or denied application for permanent residency is going to request a hearing in front of Judge Shapiro to grant each one of them an allowance to remain in the United States.

And if Shapiro doesn't grant them ALL the same allowance, how many lawsuits are going to be filed by these illegals because they are going to claim (oh this is a good one) - DISCRIMINATION. Discrimination because they aren't related to the president of the United States.

I wonder who answered Shapiro's phone at home when Obama called him to make SURE he granted Auntie Z her permanent residency.

My eyes will not stop rolling right about now.

Just how far does judicial discretion go? I get that Auntie Z has health problems. But how many other illegals are going to attempt to prove same to use as the reason for staying in the United States?

How many illegal immigrants in Massachusetts are going to use this case as a foundation upon which to build their case (after case after case) to gain recognition that their flight from their homeland (and subsequent landing in Massachusetts of all places) and deportation back to their homeland could put them in political "tribal" jeopardy or some other malarkey-ous reason.

The word "lame" has just taken on an entirely new meaning. And Shapiro is just a plain lame-brain.

This is not good.

This is DEFINITELY not good.

Can you say firestorm? I knew you could.

Shapiro is off his judicial rails allowing Auntie Z to remain in the United States. And just for shits and giggles, suppose Auntie Z was healthy and Shapiro was presented with this case under those circumstances? But of course, Auntie Z's attorney would have made it known (AHEM) that her client (AHEM) IS the President's auntie so of COURSE Shapiro would have to allow her to remain in the United States.

Kick out the president of the united states's auntie for being in this country illegally for the past 10 years and living illegally in public housing, committing housing fraud, welfare fraud, food stamp fraud, Mass Health fraud, nevermind getting free medical care, welfare, food stamps, etc. etc. etc.?

Oh go on now. Kick out that there president's auntie? That wouldn't be thar polite and neighborly now, would it?

Shore is good to be the president's auntie now ain't it.

Excuse me while I go throw up.

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