Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Facebook: Attic Crawlspace for the Twisted and Perverse

Here we post again.

Another dumbass posting sexually explicit texts on his Facebook page. I hear the "yah so?" from many of the readers. Well, this time (no surprise?) it's a former principal of a Colorado school - 40-year-old Anthony Alvarez, who was arrested when his wife discovered HIS sexually explicit texts posted on his Facebook page but addressed to a 15-year old student.

Clearly, the word STUPID should be tattooed right on his perverted forehead.

Dumb is as dumb gets. He has a Facebook page, posts these pornographic xrated messages to this teenager and his wife discovers them. Clearly, he forgot his wife was his wife and not one of his "friends" on his page.


People seem to forget that unless you use the privacy controls, the entire world can see your Facebook page. I guard my page with extreme jealously because I don't want creeps like Alvarez friend requesting me. I get friend requests from third-world country residents and losers who are just cruising Facebook looking for women who just recently fell off the turnip truck.

I am not a turnip truck victim.

So not only did Alvarez fall off the turnip truck, the truck backed up and ran him over a few times because his brain must have been complete mush when he was posting away his xrated comments to this teen on his Facebook page.

Don't you just want to walk up to these kinds of people and smack the stupid right out of them and ask them "what the eff are you thinking?"

So the story goes on and describes some of the rather sordid details of the alleged relationship between Stupido Alvarez and the teenager and even describes the acts she performed upon him.

Serriously? Yuck.

I had a crush on my English teacher in high school. He was single and handsome and smart. But the thought of doing ANYTHING other than gazing at him from afar (or inside the classroom) was just disgusting. I guess we are all wired differently. My English teacher did set off some fireworks somewhere in my innards, but I never acted upon my feelings (again, ewww) and certainly, while he was quite single, he was, in fact, my English teacher - and everyone else's and that was his most important job. Period. And there was no Facebook back then so any comments about him were reduced to giggles and sighs in the hallways amongst us fawning teenage girls.

Whoopdee freakn' doo.

But let me jump on the fence for some educational analysis about this Alvarez creep.

Forty year old men who sleaze around with 15 year old girls fall into several categories: Perverted, perverted and creepy or pre-midlife crisis manwhore pedophile. Actually, now that I look at this these categories contain all the same content :)

Why didn't he get a tattoo or his nipples pierced? What is it about turning 40 or 50 that makes men seek out young chickies? Do they think their dick is going to fall off anytime soon if they don't have sex with someone "young?" I know men cheat. Women cheat, too, for the same damned reasons. We all want to make sure we are still wanted and desired by either opposite or same sex, depending on who flips your boat.

I am 49. I date a guy who is a few years old than me. I've also dated a guy who is nearly 14 years older than me. When I was 12 and he was 26, BIG difference. But now 49 and 63 isn't that big of a deal.

40 year old former school principal and 15 year old student?

Way big of a deal.

So here is Alvarez carrying on like the creep that he is with a 15 year old student. He claims she came on to him. There may be some truth to that - I'm still sitting on the fence here give me a chance - because we do not know anything about the 15-year old girl's life. She may not have a father. She may have been seeking some sort of authority figure to guide her because she lacks that in her home. Maybe it was a combination of both. Maybe he suspended her or threatened to expel her or gave her too many detentions and she connived and contrived a way to seek vengence. Of COURSE everyone is going to believe her - Alvarez is the creepy sick f--k who made a poor helpless 15 year old girl do very bad things.

Maybe. Maybe not.

He's probably just another pedophile.

But to post sexually explicit comments on your Facebook page where your wife has access to your page and you are a 40 year old former high school principal and you're engaged in an illicit alleged affair with a 15 year old student - um, that's just really stupid.

Facebook has become that dark, dusty, smelly attic crawlspace for these types of creeps. They hide behind fake profiles and troll Facebook looking for those hapless misguided teens whose pages are public and whose posts lure the filthiest vile kind of creeps out of that crawlspace with statuses like "I hate my life, I hate my parents, I hate my father, I hate my teachers" and blah blah blah, Those posts are a MAGNET for creeps like Alvarez.

So what we don't know is if the 15 year old is an innocent as she says she is, or if there is more to this story than what we know up to now. I am not defending Alvarez - he should have gotten a tat or some piercings or hired a hooker. But no, he had to go down perv avenue and find himself a 15 year old.

Or did he?

Either way, he's done. I feel genuine sympathy for the wife. Actually, if I was the wife, I'd just cut off his johnson and put it in the garbage disposal and oops - flipped the on switch.

No more blow jobs. No more 15 year old girls.

Easy peasy.

I'd hate to be a teenager in this day and time. I'm careful what I say on Facebook. I don't name names outright about people I wish would get hit by a bus or eaten by a great white shark. And believe me, there are about a half dozen I COULD name right now. And even in my most recent blogs aptly named Liar Liar Pants On Fire, I DID name the person who did me wrong but it was justified.

But if you are a 40 year old guy slutting around with a 15 year old student, and you're posting crazy porno shit about your illicit affair with same, it's a foregone conclusion you're going to get caught and you're going to go to jail. And if you have a wife and she's on your Facebook page, well, then you deserve everything that's coming to you.

I think that wife should have turned on the garbage disposal when she had the chance.

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