Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You are NOT the Great and Powerful Orr, er Oz

Seriously? Did Bobby Orr's daughter in law really tell the cop who arrested her for drunk driving that she is very powerful? SERIOUSLY??????

Hey Chelsea chickie baby - STFU. The only person who is powerful is the "great and powerful Oz." or did you miss that line in that classic movie because you were in a drunken foggy haze?

I am getting sick and tired of people who try to make the "I'm somebody" association. Chelsea here apparently threatened to have the cop who arrested her - gasp - FIRED -- and then proceeded to spew her powerful line blah blah blah blah blah.

Let's see who else got popped for DUI/OUI and tried the "I'm somebody" line.

Ron Bell - Gov. Deval Patrick's longtime aide. He tried the "I work for the governor does that help" line. talk about having no spine whatsoever. If that wasn't a cowtow to the cops line I don't know what was. Does that help? DOES THAT HELP? Oh sure, bye bye Bell. Be on your way. Don't kill anyone before you get home.


And then of course there is Oingo Boingo - President Barack Obama's uncle. I can't remember his name. Oneynga Obama or something like that. Lives in Framingham. Illegally. Works at Conti Liquors last I heard. In Framingham. Popped by Framingham PD for OUI. Tells the cop "I need to call the White House" or something like that. Obama/White House. Didn't the cop make the connection?

Listen people - you are your celebrity relatives do not help. You are a drunk driver. You could have killed someone and/or yourself. Stop trying to escape your stupidness and recklessness and dumbass-ness by trying to get out of your drunk driving arrest with some lame "I'm somebody" to somebody reference.

Chelsea, if you were my somebody, and you tried that shit and it ended up all over the news I'd throw a bucket of water on you and hope you melted right into the floor like a certain character from The Wizard of Oz.

Then you would know who is REALLY 'great and powerful.'

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