Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Secure Communities - A Must To Protect and Preserve American Citizens

Rest in peace, Matthew Denice.

This young man, only 23 years old, was killed over the weekend of Aug. 20th when an illegal immigrant named Nicholas Guamann blew a stop sign while driving drunk, slammed into Matthew on his motorcycle (he was 2 minutes from his home), then continued to drive, dragging Matthew screaming in agony because he was caught under the truck while people chased the truck banging on the window for the piece of shit Guamann to stop. He did stop, then backed up and ran over Matthew who had been dislodged from beneath the truck and MURDERED that poor young guy.

And then this scumbag Guamann took off running.

Illegal immigrant. Living illegally in Milford Massachusetts and in MY country. Criminal record. Already convicted of drunk driving.


And Governor Deval Patrick is against Secure Communities. If Massachusetts had Secure Communities in place, Matthew Denice would still be alive.

Matthew's death is on you, Gov. Patrick.

Illegal immigrants contribute NOTHING to this state. They are bloodsuckers living off the state services that are handed out to them like candy! What is WRONG with you Gov. Patrick? A young man is DEAD - horribly murdered - because YOU don't want law enforcement to take a stand against illegal immigrants.

Why? Maybe you should go to Matthew Denice's home and explain to his mother and father why you don't want Secure Communities in Massachusetts.

This state is pathetically catering to illegals who sneak into MY country and expect handouts at every corner. When are task forces and watchdog groups and enforcement agencies going to be created to scrutinize welfare applications, food stamp applications, housing applications, employment applications so that illegals are NOT allowed services that we as America citizens should get FIRST before illegals? When are social security numbers going to be run through the SS Administration databases and checked and re-checked and checked again for validity and authenticity?

Until those enforcement groups are in place, we as American citizens are losing out on the services that we are rightly entitled to and end up at the back of the bus while illegals with 22 kids from 22 different fathers are riding in the front, making more money in welfare and food stamps combined than I do at my legitimate job. And my son has to suffer because illegals are clogging up the ER at hospitals with god only know what diseases they are bringing into MY country and my son has to WAIT to get seen because an illegal gets treated first?

I get the human being part of it. I'm not that cold hearted. But stay in your own country. I don't have a problem with people coming to MY country so long as it's done legally.

But none of this is going to bring back Matthew Denice. How many more people are going to die at the hands of illegal immigrants who can't speak English, who can't read road signs, who think they are "entitled" to get all the services Massachusetts has to offer because they know that Gov. Patrick won't do a damn thing to boot them out of MY country?

When is this going to stop?

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