Sunday, August 14, 2011

Liar Liar Pants on Fire Part 4

Dear Melissa Gough:

Sucks to be you. Sucks that you have been branded as a liar on the internet.

(Psssssst. We both know what really happened. We both know you lied. But you're still holding on to your lies like a kid with a hundred dollar bill clenched in her fist. Better hold it nice and tight because when I'm done presenting my case, it may cost you more than that hundred dollars to get your lying ass out of the trouble your lies are going to bring you).

Got your diagram that you submitted to Commerce and Amica. Got your statement you submitted to Commerce and Amica.

Not only are you a liar but you have committed insurance fraud.

See, what you don't know is how all these years as a reporter honed my attention to detail to a razor sharp edge. My job is and always has been to investigate, to report facts, and to get the truth. And sandwiched inbetween the 30 plus years I've been reporter were four years of law enforcement. Attention to detail, complete recall, a really good memory - amazingly important and required qualities in an individual who pursues journalism and/or a career in law enforcement.

I find things that other people don't find. I see things that other people don't see. My son calls me The Finder. Your statement and diagram made it way too easy for me to find your screwups.

When I studied your diagram of the accident of June 9th, and I read your statement of "your view" of the accident of June 9th, the accident you called a "classic fender bender" (how adroit), I immediately saw two glaring screwups -- your screwups.

But guess what? I'm not telling you what they are. You were stupid then just as you are now. Stupid and dumb and clearly clueless. I've already written to Commerce, and will continue to do so until they reverse the surcharge against me and find you at fault. And then I'm going to write to Amica and tell them how you - their insured - lied to cover up what you did, lied to Amica, lied to Commerce. Commerce will come after you. I hope the law does to.

Yes, it sucks to be you, Melissa Gough.

I wonder what kind of jail time people get for insurance fraud?

You know what lies are good for? Nailing people to the wall with them. And they're your lies, Melissa Gough. Thank you for giving me your "tools' with which to ensure that you never do this to some unwitting driver again.

Nice statement. Nice drawing. Obviously art isn't your strong point. Neither is your memory.

Can't change your statement. Can't change your diagram. Oh, too bad. Better remember your lies.

You are so screwed. Typical rich holier than thou think you're above the law lie to save your own ass and maliciously and willfully and knowingly hurt someone else pathetic excuse for a human being.

You are so digusting I gag when I think about you.

Did you get your driver's license out of a Cracker Jack box?

How pitiful you are, Melissa Gough.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

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