Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Liar Liar Pants on Fire Part 5 - The Conclusion

Dear Melissa Gough:

And the truth shall set ME free. You Miss Liar Liar Pants On Fire - are in a whole heap o' trouble.

Oh the truth set me free all right. My insurance company has reversed the ruling of fault against me, found me NOT at fault for the car accident of June 9, 2011, reversed the surcharge it issued against me and is now going after you and your insurance company to recoup the bazillion dollars it paid out for repairs to my truck because of your lies.

I told you to tell the truth, Melissa. I asked you nicely and I asked like the adult that I am. But you thought you could pull the "I'm rich and above the law" trick with me. Problem is - you had no idea who you were dealing with.

See, I have BWABS. You know what that stands for?


It's not letting go of something worth holding on to - tightly.

And in this situation, it is - and has been - the truth.

Your lies have backfired mightily on you. Your statement to my insurance company (which you can't change) and to your insurance company (which you can't change) have now been proven as a complete and blatant lie. And your diagram you submitted with your false statement? Wow. It must have taken all the brainpower you could muster to lie in that little square that you submitted as proof of the "classic fender bender."

Suffice to say you smug you know what - you're done like burnt steak.

As soon as I got my hands on your statement and the drawing, I immediately saw how I was going to prove your lies. You made it way too easy for me. You give stupid is as stupid DRIVES (and passes illegally on the left) an entirely new meaning.

So Melissa, hows that "classic fender bender" working out for you now?

Nice example you set for your children.

I have more important issues to write about in my blogs. I'm done wasting words and space on you.

Adios Mel-iar.

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