Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Liar Liar Pants on Fire - Part 2

In the first blog of Liar Liar Pants On Fire, I told the story of an accident in which I was involved on June 9, 2011 with Melissa Gough of Sudbury, Massachusetts. And I took you through the exact details of the accident and wrote how Gough lied about the events of the accident but now, as an added note, has committed insurance fraud because of her lies.

I just received a copy of her "statement" to MY insurance company. Interestingly enough, it is dated June 13, 2011; four days AFTER the accident and I do not know when MY insurance company received it back to them. My best guess is on or about June 15th-17th because on June 21, 2011, my own insurance company ruled against me and found me at fault.

What is genuinely distressing is that ONE HOUR AND 15 MINUTES after the accident, I faxed over MY statement to my insurance company, which the claims rep admits she had in her possession the same day and of course, it wasn't read, wasn't considered.

Before any evidence, any photos, any videos I submitted to Commerce for review and consideration, the claims rep ruled against me based on Gough's bullshit lying statement and the claims rep is STILL stating that the "damage to the vehicles is consistent with Melissa Gough's statement."

Uh huh. And I'm the Queen of England.

In a world where evidence can make or break a case, it is disheartening to know that here in Massachusetts, if you are driving and suffer a heart attack and rear end someone, you could be laying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of every orifice of your body and guess what? You will STILL get surcharged for rear ending the car in front of you.

Rear end someone because of a seizure? Surcharge.

Rear end someone because of vomiting from chemotherapy treatment? Surcharge.

Rear end someone because you're pregnant and hemorrhaging? Surcharge.

Rear end someone because a tree branch falls on your car and through your windshield? Surcharge.

Rear end someone on the EXACT corner of their right passenger bumper with the EXACT corner of your left front driver's side fender because Melissa Gough illegally passed you on the left, cut you off and blocked you from making your left turn and you hit her car because she 's rich and you're not (and she has a BMW) and all the evidence is in your favor that you didn't cause the accident but Melissa Gough's lies are believed over all your evidence and photos and videos? HA!  SURCHARGE SURCHARGE DING DING DING DING.

You readers are so smart.

Shall I continue?

You're screwed if you have Commerce. And you're screwed if you are a long time customer of Commerce, have a clean driving record, no surcharges - EVER - and you get involved in an accident with one Melissa Gough.

Melissa, you give pathological liar an entirely new meaning. And for what? To save your ass at the expense of deliberately and maliciously hurting me and my son? Congratulations - you have succeeded in perpetrating your lies upon both Commerce AND Amica and you have committed insurance fraud by doing same.

But as I stated in my first blog, someone ALWAYS knows the truth. And sooner or late, the trapdoor that liars fall into and drown in truth will open up beneath your feet and down you will go.

So with that said, I will spend the next two years fighting this.

Melissa Gough, you are are pathetic, disgusting, appalling and a liar. And now you can add insurance fraud to your resume.

How do you sleep at night? You AND your MIL? How many days did it take you to corroborate your stories to make sure you both told the same lie? Do you even remember what I was wearing that day? I remember what you were wearing. I remember what your MIL was wearing. I remember the three cars that passed in front of me given that I was FIRST in that turn lane.

See, that's where you screwed up. You stated it was two cars. Wrong. Sucks to be a liar, doesn't it?

I know it was three. And I remember all 3 cars. I remember the colors and I remember the make and model of the first one BUT even more so, I remember the second one as clear as day. But you can't change your statement now can you? You lied right in black and white. 

Oh, and your diagram is wrong, too. Clearly your artistic talent isn't one of your skills.

Oh wait, that's because your lying skills take precedent over all your other skills.

We both know the truth. We both know you came up behind me off of Edgell Road, illegally passed me on the left and drove up and over the grassy berm between the REAL PAVEMENT OF THE TURN LANE to get your BMW in front of me. You saw my vehicle in FRONT of you because I was in that turn lane first. YOU caused the accident. The only time you saw my vehicle in back of you was after you illegally passed me cut me off and caused the accident.

And your statement to the cop "well, I did go around her to the left but since I was already in front of her and she hit me it's her fault."

And that exact statement is in a fax to my insurance company dated June 9, 2011 at 12:25 p.m. - one hour and 10 minutes after the crash. And then I see you changed your story to both Commerce AND Amica.

What is that called? Insurance fraud x2?

let's see what the bible says about liars:

"A false witness shall not go unpunished, and he who speaketh lies shall not escape."

I know the truth. That entity being that everyone calls God knows the truth.

And so you do, Melissa Gough. You are so appallingly pathetic.

Oh, and I usually reserve the below words for a particular person with whom I've had a long time relationship but I'm extending these two words just for today to you Melissa Gough:

You suck. 

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