Tuesday, July 21, 2009

An Insincere Apology from Chris Brown

My first thought when I heard & read that Chris Brown - the loser who beat up Rihanna) had issued a "video" apology, the sound that came out of me was unquestionably a sound of blatant derision. I did not view the video nor did I listen to ANYTHING that came of out Brown's mouth. Fact: He is a loser, a coward, a spineless jellyfish of a nothing. He is not a man. Men who hit women are worse than pond scum and no words, no apologies, nothing will ever change that fact. I saw the photos of Rihanna that were splashed all over the net. The beating she received at the hands of Brown was beyond appalling, beyond disgusting.

How dare he attempt to make good on his behavior? And by the way, did he ever serve any prison time - at all? Anyone else - any Joe Blow off the street would have served time but oh no, not Chris Brown. What is it with these so called famous morons who somehow manage to avoid jail time for domestic violence crimes like this?

What's really pathetic is that people will actually believe that Chris Brown is sincere about his apology. He's not. And it's not that I speak from experience because no one has ever dared to lay a hand on me and the one person who did threaten me - one night a very, very long time ago - was told in no uncertain terms that he should not go to sleep that night because if he did, he would wake up less a crucial body part. He left and I never saw or heard from him again. A very smart move on his part.

I simply believe that men who inflict physical beatings upon women do not change. All the rehab in the world, all the anger management classes, all the video apologies (gaack) are not going to change these facts: Jellyfish remain jellyfish. Zebras don't change their stripes. And men who beat are gutless spineless nothings. Chris Brown took advantage of the fact that he was physically stronger than Rihanna and whatever the reason the fight began - over an alleged text message Brown received from another woman - he decided to beat the shit out of her. Period. And now he thinks that issuing a video apology is going to garner forgiveness? And what's really lame is that there ARE people who will forgive him!

I sleep with a Louisville slugger wooden baseball bat and a "rainstick" that looks like a tree branch. It is not by choice but because a woman was sexually assaulted here where I live. Management did nothing to protect us so I armed myself accordingly. I personally would have no problem inflicting physical harm upon someone that threatened me in any way, shape or form. Perhaps because I watched my own father lay his hands on my mother a few times that I empowered myself emotionally that I would never allow that to happen to me. Perhaps men who have met me knew instinctively that I was not someone to cross - ever. They were correct in their assessment of me.

What Chris Brown did to Rihanna is unforgiveable. No woman should take any kind of physical abuse. I am at a loss as to how many women - as shocking as it may be - "accept" the beatings because that is all they know. The beatings become part of their daily lives, part of their routine. And sadly for many, they are convinced there is no escape and there is nothing else for them because they are so-called "damaged goods." They have no self-esteem, no self-worth. Restraining orders? Pieces of worthless paper that mean nothing. Remember that song "Goodbye Earl" by The Dixie Chicks? One line "he walked right through that restraining order and put her in intensive care." Many women WON'T file police reports because they are so embarrassed and humiliated by the beatings that they believe it's no one's business. So they are physically abused, day after day and suffer in silence.

Farrah Fawcett's movie "The Burning Bed" was an example of a woman who eventually did fight back and won but her victory resulted in a death - but not hers. A woman who chooses that route is choosing it because it is her last option and perhaps her only way out.

In my opinion, the saddest aspect of domestic violence is that the children of these domestic violence cases view the beatings on a daily basis and believe that form of behavior is acceptable. If the mother doesn't take a stand and fight back, her sons will think it's OK for men to beat up on women and her daughters will gradually lose their self-esteem because they will become mirrors of their own mother's - lacking the strength and character to fight back. Or if they are really lucky, they may develop the keen sense to avoid these kinds of men. And the children of these domestic violence cases themselves will most likely grow up to either be victims or perps in the very same type of situations.

I think Chris Brown's so-called apology is a pathetic attempt to bolster his own ego and make himself look good because he believes people will accept that he is allegedly "manning up" and making the apology. In my opinion, he has failed miserably because men like him just do not change. Ever. They may hide it for a while after they get caught the first time but that coiled up, poisonous cobra in every man who has beat or hit a woman is just waiting to strike out again.

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