Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Dinner with a Senator

Tonight I had dinner with Massachusetts Senator Jamie Eldridge. He came to my apartment, at my invitation, as a result of an email I sent to him a few weeks ago. An article in the local newspaper detailed Senator Eldridge's efforts to get laws changed regarding state aid to low income families. I pay close attention to articles like this as it effects myself and my son. My email to the senator detailed my current situation but more pointedly, I simply stated that breaking the cycle of poverty is extremely difficult and unless he's lived in that cycle, it is hard to make him understand what it's truly like. I was not being disrespectful but truthful.

Senator Eldridge received my email and called me the same day. I was stunned to say the least - I can count the times on one hand I've written to politicians so his phone call really caught me off guard. I reiterated to him that I meant no disrespect when I told him that while I appreciated his efforts, he really cannot understand the difficulties I face in my life and he did agree so I said "well, why don't you come to my place and have dinner and see how the other half lives."

He accepted my invite and I nearly crashed my car at his response.

Jamie was a complete surprise to me - he was not what I expected although his photos and my subsequent research on him had given me a fairly good idea of the kind of man - and politician - he is.

Turns out that Jamie is a REALLY really nice, laid back guy who is truly interested in helping families like mine. He is intelligent and obviously well-informed. Our dinner was a very relaxed meal although I killed the chicken cacciatore I made in the crock pot and stated same to him. But the lasagna I served (with meat sauce at his request :) came out perfect and I told Jamie that for a moment I was more excited that I actually got to cook for someone than the fact a senator was coming to dinner!!! Thank God he laughed at that comment!

And I found I could be myself with him - I spent a good portion of today stressing out about this dinner and as soon as I met him, I realized how much energy I wasted on that stress!

Jamie is defintely NOT one of those stuffy, button-up-to-the-neck stiff collared politicians. And contrary to what his assistant Neal told me, Jamie DOES own a pair of jeans LOL!

And he's really tall! The last thing Jake asked me before he fell asleep tonight is "how tall is the Senator?" Amazing what kids want to know these days LOL!

Our conversation ran the gamut of subjects and I pointedly asked him what exactly does he do! (Well, what ELSE would I ask him!) He explained in detail what a senator's job entails and I wish we had more time because I wanted to know more.

The highlight of the evening was when I asked him if had a choice to be at the White House having a beer with President Obama, Mr. Gates and Sgt. Crowley or dinner with me, he replied without batting an eyelash, "With you, of course." Ya think? I am still laughing about that.

I have to apologize to Jamie because I am so used to getting up to clean off the table after I am done eating while my son lollygags at the table taking until next Jalemba to finish eating that I actually did the same thing tonight with the Senator still eating at the table! Talk about complete and utter embarrassment. And yes, I have to admit that I started to stick my foot down my throat with some of the things I said (and my twisted sense of humor interlacing some of those questionable comments and questions I was peppering Jamie about) but that's me and everyone told me to be myself and I was. I just hope Jamie wasn't offended !!!!

There is so much more I could write about tonight but I'll conclude with this pearl of wisdom: Expect the unexpected. Jamie is an amazing person and having him over for dinner tonight was a wonderful experience but more importantly, it made me realize that I have a voice and what I say really does matter because Jamie listened and it meant enought to him to accept my invite and "see how the other half lives." Turns out, he and I are not so different after all.

Oh, and I sent the Senator home with a plate of lasagna.

Way better than having a beer on the White House lawn don't ya think?????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Paula, what a COOL story!!! You must send that to all local newspapers, publications, Web sites, etc., that you can find...great stuff, Kiddo!!!! Cheers, Hippster