Friday, May 21, 2010

The Seventh Inning Stretch: Coward Has A New Name, New Definition: Gina Giovangelo

The Seventh Inning Stretch: Coward Has A New Name, New Definition: Gina Giovangelo

Coward Has A New Name, New Definition: Gina Giovangelo

Dear Ms. Giovangelo: The writers of Webster's Dictionary will be contacting you soon as the word "coward" will have a new definite (your name) and your mug shot next to the word so the entire English-speaking/reading world will know that's exactly what you are.

The other night you ran over and dragged Lillian White in her wheelchair as you were speeding down a Hyannis Street. She is - or was now because of you - a mother of seven children and she had grandchildren. You ran her down and you never stopped. You kept driving when you knew you had hit a human being.

And a passenger in your car reported that you had been drinking cognac in a hotel room prior to your murdering Lillian White (oh excuse me, "hit and run") and that your vehicle hit something so hard your airbags deployed but you kept going.


And now, at your arraignment today - after the judge released you on $10,000 bail (another one of our illustrious judicial decision makers who made a dumb ass decision) and that you denied involvement in Lillian White's murder - you left the courtroom and never came back.


So here's my question to you cowardly Gina Giovangelo: If you were not involved, then why did you flee your arraignment? And, worse, you may have had assistance from your thugs that you hang with because obviously their brain lights are just as dim as yours that you and your crazies went to a car dealership to try and purchase a "getaway" vehicle.

No, wait, my bad, you don't have any brains. Because you killed a woman without stopping, you fled the scene, tried to hide the vehicle you were driving and you fled your arraignment. And worse, you were probably drunk which makes you a loser AND a coward.

I'd say that aforementioned re-defines the word coward now, wouldn't you?

They're coming for you Gina Coward Giovangelo. And I hope they throw the book at you so hard that your head is snapped back from your neck because maybe that kind of hit - the kind that Lillian White suffered and died as a result of your cowardice - will bring you back to reality.

You are responsible for the death of a human being and you didn't even stop.

Coward has a new name.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Illegal Immigration - It's Good To Be Obama's Auntie

An immigration judge in Boston ruled Friday that Zeituni Onyango, the "58-year-old half sister of Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr." could remain in the U.S. despite the fact that (a) she is and has been an illegal immigrant in the USA since 2000; (b) she repeatedly failed to leave the country in 2003 and 2005 as court-ordered and (c) will continue to live in public housing in Boston and welsh off of us United States citizen taxpayers.

Oh isn't it grand to be the president's auntie?

Leonard J. Shapiro took into consideration that Auntie Zeituni has an auto-immune disease and her health is poor and if she returned to her native Kenya, she would be subjected to tribal violence.

Really now. And I'm supposed to care about that why?

Shapiro has now effectively opened up the biggest can of worms and shook a thousand hornets' nests dizzy with his ruling which will now allow Auntie Z to get a work permit, apply for a social security number, get a driver's license, green card and CONTINUE to receive state-funded benefits that I pay for as a taxpayer.

And guess what? Every single illegal immigrant who has been turned down for political asylum or denied application for permanent residency is going to request a hearing in front of Judge Shapiro to grant each one of them an allowance to remain in the United States.

And if Shapiro doesn't grant them ALL the same allowance, how many lawsuits are going to be filed by these illegals because they are going to claim (oh this is a good one) - DISCRIMINATION. Discrimination because they aren't related to the president of the United States.

I wonder who answered Shapiro's phone at home when Obama called him to make SURE he granted Auntie Z her permanent residency.

My eyes will not stop rolling right about now.

Just how far does judicial discretion go? I get that Auntie Z has health problems. But how many other illegals are going to attempt to prove same to use as the reason for staying in the United States?

How many illegal immigrants in Massachusetts are going to use this case as a foundation upon which to build their case (after case after case) to gain recognition that their flight from their homeland (and subsequent landing in Massachusetts of all places) and deportation back to their homeland could put them in political "tribal" jeopardy or some other malarkey-ous reason.

The word "lame" has just taken on an entirely new meaning. And Shapiro is just a plain lame-brain.

This is not good.

This is DEFINITELY not good.

Can you say firestorm? I knew you could.

Shapiro is off his judicial rails allowing Auntie Z to remain in the United States. And just for shits and giggles, suppose Auntie Z was healthy and Shapiro was presented with this case under those circumstances? But of course, Auntie Z's attorney would have made it known (AHEM) that her client (AHEM) IS the President's auntie so of COURSE Shapiro would have to allow her to remain in the United States.

Kick out the president of the united states's auntie for being in this country illegally for the past 10 years and living illegally in public housing, committing housing fraud, welfare fraud, food stamp fraud, Mass Health fraud, nevermind getting free medical care, welfare, food stamps, etc. etc. etc.?

Oh go on now. Kick out that there president's auntie? That wouldn't be thar polite and neighborly now, would it?

Shore is good to be the president's auntie now ain't it.

Excuse me while I go throw up.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Greatest Sports Collapses

Add the Boston Bruins to the list of "greatest sports collapses" in history.

Boston hockey fans thought it was finally going to happen tonight, that their beloved Bruins would come to the "Gahden" and skate to win and advance to the next round of the playoff, inching closer to the coveted Stanley Cup.

Can you all see me rolling my eyes from here? Can you feel the mad and disgust rolling off of me in tsunami waves?

Tonight I witnessed yet another greatest sports collapse: The Boston Bruins, who had built a 3 games to none lead over the Philadephia Flyers in their best of 7 series, lost four straight games, the fourth being tonight's game - a 4-3 loss which has now effectively ended the Bruins' season.

Oh, and do I rub salt in fans' wounds by saying the B's lost this deciding game - AT HOME? The Garden was as silent as Grant's tomb. Disbelief was etched on the faces of all.

My first thought after the buzzer sounded? The B's are the New York Yankees of 2004. I remember that year - and that series as clear as granite quarry water.

The Boston Red Sox had dropped 3 straight games to New York of the American League Championship series and Red Sox Nation was already thinking 2005.

But the Sox did the unthinkable. Call it a miracle or call it whatever you want but the Red Sox won four straight games over the Yankees and (god I have goosebumps writing this LOL) advanced to the World Series against the St. Louis Cardinals, won four more consecutive games and erased the curse of the Bambino and 86 years of sheer frustration.

The Flyers did that tonight although I can't tell you when they last won a Stanley Cup nor do I really care.

What I CAN tell you is the that the Bruins have NOT won the Stanley Cup since the 1971-72 season when they defeated the New York Rangers.

And now the 38 year drought has turned to a 39 year drought.

So I am adding insult to the injury by mentioning a few more noted greatest sports collapses:

1. 1964 Phillies. A 6 1/2 game lead in September evaporated as the Phillies dropped 11 games in a row and finished tied for second.

2. Houston Oilers v. Buffalo Bills in the 1992 AFC wildcard game. Oilers built a 35-3 lead into the 3rd quarter but unraveled like a rolling ball of yarn, ultimately losing 41-38 to the Bills. Ouch.

3. Ugh. I remember this all too well. 1978 Red Sox. How about a nice 14 game (yes, 14 game) comfortable lead in the AL East go down the tubes between late July, August & September when the Sox finished 17 1/2 games out of 1st place. El Foldo was the expression someone used. No shit.

4. 1942 Detroit Red Wings. Ha, they did what the Bruins did tonight. Except the Red Wings collapsed in the Stanley Cup series. The Red Wings led 3 games to none over the Toronto Maple Leafs and forgot to show up for the next four games as they, too, lost all of them and watched the Maple Leafs carry that Cup around the Leafs' home ice. Footnote: The Red Wings actually took a slim 1-0 lead into the third period but allowed 3 goals in 10 minutes to effectuate their collapse.

5.  And of course, my favorite as aforementioned, the New York Yankees in the 2004 ALCS series. Gotta love that one, though, if you are a member of Red Sox Nation.

But tonight, Bruins fans everywhere are shaking their heads, coming up with every excuse in the book for this horrific collapse (most likely the blame will be placed upon numerous injuries to key players) but realizing that the B's have now earned themselves a permanent place in the record books and not in a good way, either.

I've been a Boston fan so long that I can't help but think eh, wait till next year but if you could see the eye rolling' going on here supports my jadedness and cynicalness about that saying. OK, so I did get 2 World Series in 3 years. But damn, that nice shiny ginormous Stanley Cup would have been a really nice way to kick off a 2010 win streak for Boston teams.



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Relationships Are Like Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies

Did I catch your attention? The cookie subject line does have merit.

A telephone conversation I had with someone - a guy who has this whacky soft duck type hat that's bright orange and yellow that is just about the damnedest sexiest thing I've ever seen :) - gave me food for thought (now that's a novel concept) - about whether you should analyze a friendship/relationship or just let it be.

So I got to thinking that friendships/relationships are like baking chocolate chip cookies:  If you keep opening the oven door to check on the cookies every minute, trying to "analyze" if they are done or by poking them with your finger, chances are pretty good these cookies are going to be undercooked and gross and get tossed out or overcooked, burned and - you got it - tossed out.

BUT ... if you are patient and just leave the cookies to bake in their own damned time, chances are pretty good you'll end up with something really, really delicious.

See what I mean? Friendships/Relationships - at least those in the early stages of however either involved party wants to deem the existence of their status or definition of "togetherness" - shouldn't be scrutinized every minute, shouldn't be analyzed or questioned or bolstered with statements like "I don't want you to think ..." or "I know you said this, that or whatever ..." and the old standby "I don't want anything from you and I don't expect anything from you."

I'm guilty as charged with sometimes analyzing or overanalyzing my own spur of the moment texts of pornographic humor, comments and statements that may or may not be construed as an attempt to wrap myself around someone like a boa constrictor.

That was NOT my intent but tonight, I did exactly that (not the wrapping part although I would like to wrap myself around him in a different way ha ha ha) and made "the phone call" and blabbed a lot of blah blah blah that this guy with the duck hat definintely heard (I know he was listening) but when I listened to the blather that was coming out of my mouth I realized that I should end the call before I choke on my own analysis and drown in my duh-ness.


Go figure. It's hard sometimes to gauge where you stand with someone - if you even have a place to stand at all. But sometimes the place upon which we find common ground, common interests and a lot of laughter seems to be the right place to stand as long as you don't build walls or box someone in with a lot of conditions and expectations. That's how relationships - new and old - get ruined.

Certainly, we all want a solid foundation upon which to build - whether it be a house or a friendship or a relationship but not everyone has the same goal or ideal or has a clue how to handle something new, someONE new that perhaps makes them look at things in a different light.

May I interject that it sucks the major league big one when you have been in a long-term relationship and you find out you've been duped. Not just duped but blatantly and humiliatingly taken for the worst ride possible. Can you see my hand up there in the air? Does the term "been there, done that" mean something?  And what's worse is when you find out about the "duping" in the most innocent (or bizarre way in my case) and then your world unravels and you stand back in shock wondering how did I not see this? Or how did I not KNOW this?

When you bake chocolate chip cookies, the smell is inviting and overwhelmingly tantalizing and you can't wait to jam about two or three into your mouth. It's the same with relationships. New ones, steady long-term ones. Everything looks good and smells good and sometimes you're lucky enough to get something really delish and tasty and you just keep coming back for more and that taste is amazing every single time.

Then there are times when you spit out a relationship like it's bad, burnt overdone blackened chocolate chip cookies mixed with bad medicine and you feel like you'll never get that taste out of your mouth because one person ruined your ability to find that "delish" factor ever again.

I certainly didn't think I'd ever get that nasty taste out of my mouth. And it wasn't even my less-than-a-year marraige that put it there!

My chocolate chip cookie baking fiasco began when I entered into a five-year relationship with somone who ultimately gave humiliation, duped and sledgehammered - with an extra heaping helping of duped - entirely new meanings and made me question whether I EVER wanted to bite into any more damned chocolate chip cookie relationships because my mouth, and my heart, were just too damned scarred by eating those burnt cookies he cleverly disguised as good ones for five years.

Then one day when I was least expecting it, a guy with killer blue eyes offered me purple Hostess Snoballs. You know - those sickeningly sweet round dome shaped balls of chocolate with that marshmallow covering (it's like the covering on a baseball except way, way better tasting) with cream in the middle.

Ya those.

And for whatever reason, I took a leap of faith and took a bite. (Kinda like a fish taking the bait LOL except I haven't been thrown back - yet :)

I don't know what kind of meaning it holds for him, but for me, well, let's just say those sugar-filled heartstopping chocolate domes of cream and calorie-laden marshmallow high fructose corn syrup purple things taste pretty damned good so far.

And tonight after I hung up the phone and sat down to write this blog - I vowed not to analyze - or overanalyze - anything anymore because some things - and people - should be taken (and accepted) just the way they are: in little, tasty pieces.

No more, no less.

Got milk?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Over the Edge

What makes humans snap and unleash anger and violence that defines imagination? What is it that we carry around inside of us that reaches its limit in a breadth of a second and causes us to take our own lives, the lives of others or both? What makes us cross the line between reality and fantasy and causes us to act and/or react in ways that boggle even the most intelligent persons on the planet.

Serial killers methodically kill. They set, they stage, they display their victims and more oftentimes than not, they keep souvenirs of their victims. What is it that defines or shapes these specific types of people into what they become, who they kill and how they explain their actions? Just how long before they begin their killing sprees to they hear (if at all) the sound of the "snap" of whatever holds reality together for them inside their heads? Do they feel any emotion when they are carving out the internal organs of their victims and delicately, strategically placing them into a pentagram design, the pentagram automatically used as evidence to deign the killer as a devil worshipper and end speculation as to the "why" of the crimes. Or so it seems.

What if it were a tic tac toe design? Or a children's hopscotch drawing? Or someone's backyard pool? Then how would the serial killer be defined? People would ask what makes someone do something so horrific like that?

Let me break this down a bit: Terrorists inflict pain and suffering upon those they deem as "infidels." Their motivations are religious, or political or both. Some of these people wake up in the morning already having decided that they are going to commit suicide and take as many "infidels" with them as possible.

Who the f--k does that? Do these people cook breakfast, have a sip of their coffee (or whatever they drink in those countries that grow terrorists like Iowa grows corn) and take a shower before they strap a bomb around their bodies and go blow themselves up and kill hundreds of people in the process?

I genuinely believe those people were wired all wrong from the moment they were conceived. There was no snap, crackle or pop. When I get up in the morning, all I think about is getting my coffee and making my son's lunch for school. Maybe those terrorists think I am wired wrong but at least I get to FINISH my coffee - IN ONE PIECE!

What about the jealous husband who suddenly stabs his wife to death with a serrated knife and cuts off her head because his supper wasn't on the table at exactly 5:37 p.m. and then calmly sits down to eat his supper? When he is done, he calls 911 to report the crime. When questioned, he calmly tells police he was sick and tired of his supper being late. No other explanation is given and the husband shows no remorse. Did the husband hear the "snap" of the wires in his brain when he short-circuited and murdered his spouse?

What is it that sends us over the edge in a single moment?

A man I will identify as "Chris" told his 14-year old son he was going to kill himself with a rifle. The son called the police and what ensued was a five hour standoff between the police and this man. When it ended, "Chris" was taken to a local hospital for a mental health evaluation then released, only to be arrested the following day on several charges including not having a permit for his gun.

But there is far more to this than what has been reported by the media. What thought process, or block of logical thinking made this man contemplate ending his life? Perhaps his relationship with his wife was failing. Perhaps life had run circles around him and bound him so tightly that he felt like death would release him and give him solid ground upon which to stand. Perhaps a long time drug addiction (as rumored) had begun the short-circuitry of his wires years ago and he felt the "snap" coming, and verbalized his desire to die, but for whatever reason, thankfully did not inflict harm upon himself, his son or anyone else.

Why? What separates those who go over the edge completely from those who take one step off the edge, lean over, look down into the abyss but yet hold on to whatever thread of reality they have left in their minds?

And what defines reality for those of us who remain far away from the edge every single day and never even get close enough to look over?

Humans are artwork undefined. We are made up of a blending of colors and designs and some of us remain unfinished. Even our creator - whoever or whatever that may be is still an unknown.

Our designs as humans are scientists', researchers' and doctors' dreams come true: We are made up of natually occuring chemicals that run rampant in our bodies that can go to Defcon 5 in less than a millisecond. We have molecules and neutrons and electrons and protons and neurons and a lot of other "ons" that keep the medical journals full and psychologists and psychiatrists ready with their pens and script pads to ensure damage control with pills when all hell breaks loose in our bodies and brains.

But when that "snap" happens - for whatever the reason, for whatever small chemical hiccup that occurs as simply as if we've tripped over a shoelace, or as destructive as a Mt. Vesuvius-like explosion somewhere in the farthest, darkest corner of a brain that causes someone to remove themselves from life and/or take the lives of others with them is and will remain as inexplicable as the action itself.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Boycott This II

Well, I hate to admit it but I live in a state where some other state's business has become Massachusetts biz laughingly enough because Boston City Councilors (who are these clowns, anyways?) have approved a resolution to urge the city to "curb economic ties" to Arizona and cancel city contracts and halt purchasing agreements with the one state that has taken a very firm affirmative stand to curb illegal immigration - a far more important act of decisiveness than curbing economic ties.

Michael Graham, a conservative talk show radio host has told Fox25 News he intends to organize a boycott of Boston businesses in protest of this new resolution and Boston Mayor Mumbles Menino is blaming Arizona governor Jan Brewer for "starting a cross-country war of words."

I will ask this question again and again till I get a genuine answer: What part of the word illegal in the phrase illegal immigrant doesn't anyone seem to understand?

While I am sympathetic to the plights of citizens in other countries where culture and custom practices are abominations of belief (female genitalia mutilation, stoning family members for dating, and of course those whacky Iraqis who get up in the morning and decide to strap bombs around their waists and go blow up a few hundred infidels all in the name of another whack named Allah), I reiterate again that if you want to come to my country, do so legally and with the right intentions. Do not come sneaking into my country and then demand rights to services to which I should be entitled first before you. Do not come into my hospitals with your arm dangling off because you didn't have the proper training to do a job and then cut my son and I in line and expect special treatment.

America needs to close its borders once and for all. And each state needs to step up its enforcement of the federal law to perform a national rodeo round up of all illegals and send them back to their respective countries. Arizona got fed up and did something pro-active.

Remember the movie The Amityville Horror with James Brolin? Remember the scene where he is looking at the brick wall and sees himself in it and hears two words?

Remember what those two words are?

Yah, thought so. To all illegals in MY country here's your Amityville Horror newsflash:



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Boycott This

The latest buzz on illegal immigration that has the entire country up in arms is the ballsy new law passed by Arizona governor Jan Brewer. Quoting an article in the New York Times, "the law would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give police the broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally."

Gov. Brewer has since made amendments to the law to avoid the appearance of racial profiling.

Here's my opinion (always worth two cents): Our country may as well hang a welcome sign at our borders and hire an Ed McMahon sound-a-like to shout out "COME ON DOWN" to all the illegals because the price IS right for illegals in the United States.

What other country gives out welfare benefits to illegals, free health care and housing to people who have snuck into this country, paid thousands of dollars for fraudulent social security numbers and who assume identities of dead American citizens? Of course, not all of these illegal immigrants are that savvy but the U.S. companies who employ these illegals are and they contribute hugely to this controversial subject by employing illegals. Perhaps these huge corporate conglomerates should be scrutinized more than Arizona's new law.

People are asked for identification for various reasons all the time: tobacco purchases, alcohol purchases and even more recently, I went to my local post office to pick up two Yankee Candles I had purchased on ebay and the postal employee asked me for my ID before he released MY package to me. That request was a bit of a stretch and I put up a bit of a stink about the request because these were candles, not a new circuit board for a Patriot missile.

But the point is that we as Americans are asked for identification every day and no one is demanding boycotts of those retailers. drug stores, liquor stores, etc. for asking us for identification. When police pull over drivers for motor vehicle infractions, they ask for a driver's license and proof of registration. What is the difference between what the police do every day and what has been written as law in Arizona?

If you are not guilty of being in the country illegally, then you will not have a problem proving same. Certainly, many a fur has been ruffled on the backs of those hard-core civil rights believers and supporters who are protesting that law infringes upon those genuine citizens and the Arizona police will stop anyone who looks or smells like an illegal.

When an illegal alien enters my country, applies for and receives welfare benefits which payout is equal to or more than what my monthly hard-earned salary is, I question as to what kind of documentation is presented to the state workers who process the applications. If the illegals are here illegally, then what kind of documents are in their possession that allow them to garner and reap my taxpayer-paid benefits and services?

Case in point: My income is considered below poverty level, by federal standards which means I qualify for child care consideration issued by the state of Massachusetts. I was on the waiting list for more than three years before I was finally issued a voucher to help me pay for child care which is an after-school program my son attends so I can work later than I normally do on the days he is not in that program.

I had a conversation with an employee of this child care agency who told me off the record that many "illegals" are given immediate child care vouchers as a part of their welfare benefit package. I was stupefied that I, an American citizen, born here, raised here, never been arrested, was pushed to the back of the bus by illegal aliens who have been handed child care vouchers as readily available las popcorn and hot dogs at a baseball park, while I have struggled to pay for my son's after school care for the past three years with money out of my own pocket.

This is just a small example of a much larger problem. Illegal aliens who don't speak English and obviously can't read English are driving cars and have no concept of the rules of the road because they come from a completely different country, a different culture and different driving rules! And, when they are pulled over and can't produce a driver's license, guess what: they are summoned to court, they pay a fine and get right back into their cars - still without a driver's license. They fraudulently obtain social security numbers or fake passports and fake identification cards which are then presented to obtain state benefits and services. No one questions this documentation.

And when someone like me questions this process, I'm told "Back of the bus whitebread."

Since Arizona passed its law, protesters are politicians and anyone else who wants to jump onto the poor poor pitiful illegal alien bandwagon are demanding that people boycott anything and everything to do with Arizona, including the 2011 Major League Baseball All-Star Game.

Uh-uh. Do not MESS with my baseball.

San Diego Padres first baseman Adrian Gonzalez threw out his two cents (after getting thrown out of a game the same night) when he recently voiced his big mouth blah blah about how HE will sit out the 2011 All Star game in Phoeniz and (oh brother) wants the MLB Players Association to boycott spring training in Arizona in 2011.

Hey Adrian - 411: what makes you think you're going to be voted to the All Star team anyways? And believe it or not, there are actually players who LIKE playing in Arizona and could care less about the new law that has got your cup all bunched up in your uniform pants.

My advice to you: Shut the eff up and play baseball. Us fans pay your salary. And if you are so unhappy here in the United States, move back to Tijuana.

I applaud Gov. Brewer for passing this law. Illegal immigration is a problem of enormous proportions in Arizona (it borders Mexico) and the murder of an Arizona rancher by Mexican drug smugglers (in the state illegally of course) spurred Brewer to pass the law. Illegal immigration is a problem of enormous proportions and has already spread like a plague.

I am not racist nor prejudice but when people who come into my country illegally and take away benefits for which I have a genuine need and to which I am legally entitled, then I support any state, any governor who passes a law to protect U.S. citizens like myself. What is disheartening is that President Obama doesn't support the new law and if my own president doesn't support a law that attempts to curb illegal immigration, I wonder for whom he is the president.

As long as my country welcomes illegal immigrants with the availability of taxpayer-funded benefits and services and free housing, this "whitebread" blogger is going to be riding at the back of the bus for a long time or worse - told to get off the bus because U.S. citizens aren't allowed on the bus anymore.

As a former law enforcement employee, my view is that if you are here legally, you will have a valid driver's license to show same. Most people don't carry around their birth certificates so proving legit citizenship could be a measure in complication.