Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Raunchy Videos from the Enterprise - Honors Has Gone Where No Man Has Gone Before!

Captain Owen Honors, the Naval Commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise has been relieved, fired, removed, from his post over raunchy videos that surfaced (so what else is new?) and that caused fierce consternation and obvious embarrassment to the US Navy over the contents.

The videos were allegedly shot in 2006 and 2007 and were made for crew entertainment only - on closed circuit TV aboard the Enterprise and not for public viewing.

I personally have not seen the videos in their entirety (who has?) only edited versions that the Virginian Pilot newspaper posted.

Here is my question: While the anti-gay slurs are not appropriate, is it really necessary to relieve him of his post? I mean c'mon - Capt. Honors is NOT a terrorist, child molester or bomber or any other horrific type of criminal. And it's not like he was having sex with anyone in the video, either.

I understand that since President Obama repealed the "don't ask, don't tell" law or whatever it was called in the military that the military is now genuinely conscious of any kind of anti-gayisms (is that the correct terminology?) that anyone makes - verbal or written. And I am a supporter of common sense when it comes to people who say stupid things and should have STUPID DUMB ASS tattooed on his or her forehead for making anti-gay or anti-semitic or any kinds of comments that raise the ire of certain 'groups' that employ political correctedness 24/7 365. I get all of that.

But Capt. Honors is, according to news reports, an exemplary officer and there are many people defending him and his so-called lewd, comedic videos.

Frankly, I could care less what kinds of videos he makes as long as he defends my country and keeps the whackheads who wake up in the morning and decide to strap on a bomb instead of a belt after having their bagel and orange juice and go out and smithereen a few hundred civilians (infidels for you detail oriented readers) all in the name of Allah Schmallah from dive bombing on me!

I think the Navy has overreacted to these videos. Suffice to say, Capt. Honors will probably profusely apologize to the world for his "lack of judgment, common sense and his inappropriate language and footage of other naval officers who were involved in the making of the videos" and all that blah blah blah that everyone has to say when they get pushed into a corner and scolded for being naughty, and in Capt. Honors case, demoted down to the naval dungeon (admin position).

There are far more important things that the Navy should be paying attention to than Capt. Honors' videos from three and and four years ago. Who cares? He didn't hurt anyone, the videos weren't snuff videos (heaven forbid), no animals were hurt in the making of the videos and I don't think the USS Enterprise was being attacked by anyone during the making of the videos.

In two weeks, this will be old news and something or someone else will become chopped liver fodder for the media to devour.

In my famous last words (rolling my eyes) ... WhatEVAH.

Frankly, the blackbirds falling out of the sky in Arkansas is far more interesting. Perhaps the US Air Force should be checking this out? Aliens abducting blackbirds for experiments?

OK, OK, enough of my twisted humor.


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