Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Foraging into 50 - Day 2

I just realized that 'foraging' has the connotation of looking for food LMFAO! And this whole self-preservation thing is completely the opposite LOL LOL LOL! (smacking my forehead). Well, perhaps it could be considered as foraging for self preservation before, during and after turning 50. that works for me.

So I got up, made my son breakfast, saw him off to school, synched my Ipod (which by the way is one of the absolute drop dead ORIGINAL WHITE Ipod shuffles that were first made about 30 billion years ago. If Steve Jobs were alive, I'd write to him to tell him that his stuff is definitely long-lasting. I want a newer updated one but I'm reluctant to part with this because it still works fine.

I took a walk - about an almost 20 minute one and actually took a route with some small inclines. I didn't keel over dead. I was not winded which I suppose is a good thing. And after all the log rolling I did yesterday, I wasn't even in the kind of pain I've been in for the past year WITHOUT log rolling. Hmmmmmm.

Degenerative disc disease is not reversible. And given the two gene mutations I have - one of which is C677T which is present in many autoimmune disease patients - I really wonder what the hell is going on inside my body in addition to all the other shit  nevermind carrying around 50-60 pounds of extra weight. That just cannot be helpful at all (duh - ya THINK?)

So I'm sitting here listening to my hero of the year - Porcelain Black and her song This is What Rock 'n Roll Looks Like. I wanna look like her. Her figure, her HAIR, and I want lick my lips at my current flavor of the month (that on again off again off off off and on on on again guy) for the past near 7 years.

Pulling myself out of that reverie (pipe dream? I wish? get real isn't going to happen?) I now have to contemplate breakfast. I've been pretty content with Kashi's Autumn Wheat cereal (I'm actually counting the biscuits - I get 28 in a serving which believe it or not fills that bowl. I COULD use a SMALLER bowl which would make the bowl appear fuller (there is a psychological aspect to eating food) and if the bowl is YELLOW (which I have in Fiestaware) and adding strawberries or blueberries to the cereal makes it even all the more appealing. I drink non-fat milk so there's no issue there.

Packing a lunch. Boston lettuce, a half of cut up apple, 1 serving of tuna in water, zuma tomatoes and my non fat wasabi dressing (which I really have to say is pretty freakn' good). it's made by Maple Farms - I need to write to that company and declare my undying loyalty and maybe score some coupons, too. I'll probably throw in a luna bar for a snack and a bottle of water. I need to get rid of the crackers at work. And get it in my head that I need to do something with my hands at all times to keep them occupied other than eat. I could think of a more than a few things but that would require the male species to be around and I just can't get what I want these days ..... Sucks to be me. Maybe I should advertise for a younger guy.

You know what I saw today on the HuffPost? A video of a guy who proposed to his girlfriend by creating a Lego film. The guy is an Atlanta, Georgia filmmaker named Walt Thompson and I was so blown away by this - the utter ROMANCE oh be still my beating heart and even my son thought it was extra cool! I told him that is how you propose to a girl - with something extra amazing, extra creative and romantic all rolled into one. Of course you have to be completely sure she'll be receptive and say yes. some girls don't like that shit.

I'm telling ya - if I could find a guy who would propose like that (baseball themed of course) I'd throw all caution to the wind and get married for the third time (that third time's the charm thing).

But I'd make damn sure he has money. And it's not a golddigger thing or anything. I'm perfectly capable of working, but more importantly, I'd appreciate him, and in turn, I'd be able to spend more time writing and contributing financially by finishing my novels because I'd have the time and the space and some lake house office that I can write uninterrupted.

Are there guys like that out there?

Hey, i'm still waiting for my note in the bottle to be found - the one I threw into the canal in Westerly, Rhode Island in August 2010. With my luck some shark ate it or an octopus snagged it and it's firmly entrenched in some bottom of the ocean cave. that's my life and my luck.

anyways, off to eat breakfast. I did exercise with my stretchy band things (I put it around the tree out back) and am wondering if the stretchy band is going to snap and rocket back to my head, knock me out and leave me with a concussion on the ground.

There's a great new excuse for not showing up for work.

I'm outta here for now.

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