Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Foraging into 50 Day 3 Evening Food Blues

I obviously have to eat some sort of a healthy filling snack in the afternoon to keep me from doing what I did when I got home. Once again, I caved in to starvation issues (and stress) and ate the following: 1 slice of low salt cheese, 1 slice of bbq chicken, 1 slice of low fat cheese and a pickle and 10 cold shrimp. and that was enough until supper. 1 slice of meatloaf, sweet potatoes and green beans. none of that too terribly bad except for the pillsbury biscuits. i did step on the land mine this morning and dropped another pound but i bet i put it right back on with this evening's "foraging" and then some ... yuck. i hate stress. i could go back to smoking and drinking coffee 24/7 but i'd probably have a stroke and die and miss the 2012 Red Sox season and that is just not acceptable to me.

Oh wait - I forgot the dessert - a scoop of friendly's multi colored sherbert and a snack size hershey bar broke in half.

i keep seeing commercial for weight watchers online. i balance my checkbook. i can't be keeping tracks of points AND write a blog at the same time and work and be a single parent and and and and and ....

(throwin' up my hands in self disgust).

i hate being overweight.

Movin' forward ....

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